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forms of use

of TikTok that make sense for news media

Stack of Newspapers




When the content makes reference to other productions of the newspaper - either adapting them to the language of TikTok, or calling the public to see the complete product.

It occurs in 4 ways:

We are a family owned and operated business.

- Adaptation of website materials for TikTok

- Calls for full content

- Recycling content from other social networks

- Excerpts from speeches of important personalities

Aplicativos de viagens

Adaptation of website materials for TikTok

Here, the journalist chooses a story from the newspaper's website and translates it into the narrative format of TikTok. A good way out is to use the green background feature to place the material itself at the bottom of the screen. The goal is not for the user to read the text, but to see that the video information is supported by a journalistic story.

This also promotes the dissemination of the content produced on the website, although it is not possible, on TikTok, to place hyperlinks directing the user to the article. In addition, the date of publication of the news can be highlighted - a useful resource, considering that For You Page does not show the date of the publications .

While explaining the new Argentine bill to legalize abortion, the journalist puts at the bottom of the video the article published on the La Nación website on the subject. The oral narrative is not tied to what is written, but it is clear that the speech is supported by a journalistic production.

At the end of the video, a time stamp places the information: "the project was sent to Congress and is expected to be voted on in December".

La Nación


Homem que escuta auscultadores

calls for full content

In this situation, the video is a kind of teaser for other content produced by the newspaper, such as podcasts, video reports, interviews, and even text material.

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While, in the previous category, the final path of the information conveyed is TikTok itself, in this other case the objective is to invite the user to view other productions of the newspaper.

The Daily Telegraph


After introducing the character's story, the presenter invites the user to read her full trajectory on the newspaper's website.

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* This video also combines the function of media education, reporting how a journalist's performance was in a specific historical context; and brand building, since she deals with a former journalist from the Telegraph itself.


recycling content from other social networks

Especially when the newsroom does not have enough hands to produce content for TikTok, transporting content from other platforms (such as vertical Instagram videos) is a possible alternative.

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But that must be one of the last resources. The languages ​​of each network are different from each other, so the chances of content simply being transported have a good engagement are much lower.

The Daily Telegraph


In this case, the content was not exactly used, but the narrative format used is much more appropriate for Instagram than for TikTok (videos of an event with signs on the screen, without a presenter)


Excerpts from speeches of important personalities

Some newspapers publish pieces of speeches by politicians, or anyone who is saying something relevant to the public sphere - doctors, teachers, demonstrators, journalists, etc.

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* You can also post videos that portray important events, such as popular demonstrations or the opening of forums or world sporting events.

USA Today


This is one of the most viewed videos on the USA Today page

on TikTok.

In fact, most of the videos that

they publish on that model perform well. And the post couldn't be simpler: it's 35 seconds from a speech by former President Barack Obama.

The newspaper only subtitled the video (following the pattern of the bill) and added a sign that identifies

the president.

you are in: forms of use > 1. extension of newspaper content

See too:

Desenhando digital

2. Criação de conteúdos direcionados


3. construção

de marca

Mulher no celular


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