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forms of use
of TikTok that make sense for news media

3. construction
They are contents that do not have the function of informing, but of inserting and shaping the image of the newspaper in the public's imagination.
In general, they are made in 3 ways:
We are a family owned and operated business.
- Community management
- History and achievements of the newspaper
- Day by day of the newsroom

Some vehicles ask for suggestions of topics for the next content, or ask users to decide, through comments, among some of the guidelines presented (example 1) .
We are a family owned and operated business.
Another possibility is to create a video in response to a comment that has been made in other publications, incorporating the comment in the new video (example 2) . Thus, the public realizes that their engagement is significant for the newspaper, since their comment may even be the basis for new content.

Le Monde
11/07 / 2020
In addition to showing a little of what it is like to be alone in an empty newsroom due to the pandemic, the journalist asks users to "help" them choose the theme of the next video, encouraging audience participation.

USA Today
11/07 / 2020
The video was made from the comment of a follower in another post on the account: she questions what would happen in a scenario of a tie in the US presidential elections.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The comment is fixed on the video screen, TikTok's own resource.
We are a family owned and operated business.

History and
of the newspaper
Here are all the facts that have to do with the newspaper's trajectory: curiosities about the company's history; old or recent achievements; and even editorial decisions related to the content produced.

The State of S. Paulo
In this example, journalist João Abel uses the green screen feature to tell the story of the knight of the Estadão symbol.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The video complies with different guidelines typical of the network: the first 3 seconds present the tiktok theme; the entire video is guided by the figure of the presenter; and the cuts and the use of the green screen add dynamism to the narrative.

day by day
Showing what happens inside the newspaper's newsroom is a great way to bring readers closer to the brand. More than quality information products, the public at TikTok wants to see authenticity in the people who make up the institution: this personalization allows users to identify themselves with journalists - and, by table, feel closer to the newspaper itself.
This does not mean, however, that journalists should act as influencers and produce content on any topics in their daily lives. The idea is to show the daily lives of journalists who work there; that is, what happens to these people as journalists. Content that you personalize beyond these borders may even be suitable for TikTok - but it may fit more into each other's personal profiles than on the official page of the newspaper.

Journal of Record
Here, an audio that was in high demand at TikTok (more than 200 thousand videos produced with it) was used.
We are a family owned and operated business.
At the same time, the reported situation - someone mistaking the reporter for an intern - humanizes the journalist, which brings the base of followers closer.